Car Racing Winter Game

Car Racing Winter Game

Car Racing Winter Game Online - Play Free Ice Road Driving Games

Get ready for a high speed car race game on slippery winter roads. Play Car Racing Winter Game with a challenging AI, you can earn the coins and buy more cars to race after each level. The complicated winter road conditions make the race more challenging, but at the same time also a lot more fun. The tracks in this free online game is probably one the most slick tracks we have ever driven on. Have fun!

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How to Play Car Racing Winter Game

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Frozen Pursuits

What other kinds of frozen pursuits are there besides this fun, free, winter race game? If you want to join the freezing race circuit, you could sign up for Run the Striders, in Ogden, UT. There is also a Winter Trail Marathon in early 2016 that will occur on a Saturday night in Indianapolis, IN. Other popular speed competitions held during the coldest time of the year occur in Memphis, TN, which is actually an off road series of courses. There are 5k and 10k foot races that are held during the less frigid part of the season in Littleton, CO. Some Wintertime Runs are held in Pewaukee, WI in December. There are even Mountain bike races on the wintery short track in Charlotte, NC. In Tower, MN there is a Ultra Marathon during wintertide that is 135 miles long and can be completed by foot, skis, or bicycle. If I just wanted to name other suspected area for these type of endurance fueled chilly relay matches, I would say New England would be one.

Venturing out on Snow covered roads

According to, when venturing out on an the icy roads, there are many safety tips to remember. The #1 ice driving safety tip is to SLOW DOWN to a speed of 45 mph or less on highways, and reduce speed to much less in residential areas and in town, depending on the speed limit and weather conditions. The #2 tip is to just to not drive at all when the road is icy. Another tip is to not brake too hard, as braking can cause sliding and loss of control of your vehicle. Another factor that is discussed is turning into a slide meaning you should turn the steering wheel in the same direction that the rear end of your car is sliding. It is easier to get into an accident with other cars when they are present with you on during these slick conditions, so try slowing down to let the other cars get ahead of you and into their own area or possibly you may want to speed up some and pass them if they are going too slow, but either way being alone on the roadway can reduce your chances of an accident. One of the final tips given is to avoid hills or other dangerous roads when they are icy. When you play this free and fun online web game, Car Racing Winter, you can not only apply these tips and gain you own affordable experiences, but you can also take exciting risks and break all the rules because on our website, driving is just a game!

Car Racing Winter Game Walkthrough: